The Diocesan Music Festival (DMF) opened Friday with Reading Day, the first rehearsal for student musicians. The 2020 DMF Choir will be conducted by Mr. Eduardo Azzati, a vocal music professor at Moravian and Muhlenberg Colleges, while the DMF Band will be co-conducted by the directors of each participating school. All six high schools in the Diocese of Allentown will be represented at this year's concert, including Berks Catholic, Allentown Central Catholic, Marian Catholic, Nativity B.V.M., Notre Dame Green Pond, and host Becahi.
The DMF Concert will be held on Saturday, February 1, at 2:00 p.m. at Becahi's Richard B. Culver Performing Arts Center and will feature a combined performance by the Choir and Band of Mary Lynn Lightfoot's "Festival Hosanna," arranged for band by Becahi Band Director, Mr. Christopher Klump.
Tickets may be purchased in advance ($5/adult, $4/senior) by calling the Advancement Office 610-866-0791 ext. 323 or at the door ($8/adult, $5/senior). Please come out to show your support for our talented and dedicated performance artists!