Becahi will celebrate Forty Hours Devotion November 13-15

Becahi will celebrate Forty Hours Devotion November 13-15 Error adding symbol table to error log num 3662!
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Forty Hours is a traditional Catholic devotion honoring Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed on the altar for extended periods of time over three days during which visitors spend time in quiet prayer, reflection, and adoration. Becahi will celebrate Forty Hours November 13-15. Our school auditorium will become our “church” where students will visit Jesus during the school day. Families, alumni, and other guests are welcome to visit on November 13 and 14 between the hours of 2:30pm and 7:00pm to spend quiet time with our Lord. All are welcome to attend Benediction at 7:00pm both days. Please use the side entrance nearest the auditorium. Join us for these special days of honoring Jesus, the heart of our school family.

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